Monday, November 5, 2012

Hello fellow comic cover collectors! Forever more we shall be known as The CCC Club. This blog is about comic book covers throughout the world! It's a global economy so we may as well recognize all those cool comic covers that may have not made public notice.

Many years ago I was a formidable indexer and editor for the Grand Comic Book Database. Such be it may, that particular non-profit organization decided to become what amounted to the witch hunters in Salem. Needless to say I left with my hat never to return again! Oh my! Thanks Lionel and Tony.

Bygones be bygones.

To sooth old wounds, I decided to create a blog that focuses on comic book covers and their origins. These entries may contain pertinent information on the publisher or comic issues and they may feature odds and ends on the topic itself. Who knows what will transpire here?

I hereby declare the following images on this blog may be copyrighted to their respective websites or owners (and we know how firm that law has become) so I do not own these images.

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